We understand that many students are not inspired by grades or test scores alone. Inspiration and engagement and resiliency come from onboarding onto a path of learning something that brings you joy, connects to your interests, or ignites your emotions such as a social issue. So we ask students three important questions and help them chase after goals to achieve it:
- What makes you happy/brings you joy?
- What do you do well?
- What does the world need of you OR How will you use this in the world?
Connecting students to their interests, aptitudes, and critical thinking around the world of work deserves time carved out each day or week for inquiry, career partnerships, exploration, and exhibiting our learning so students uncover their path and answer the questions above for themselves. When we work to carve out personalized experiences within our courses, students access connections to community resources, connections to critical thinking content and intellectual communication as well as career exploration options to nurture, goal set, and become.
Helping families support students through exploration of their interests is equally important to our work at Perry. As a community, we need to understand the multiple and financially different pathways now available to our future workforce of students. Check out this video The Career Path Less Taken and connect with Guidance Counselors or our Teaching and Learning Team.
Career Exploration Opportunities within our region to help find experiences that match your goals and interests.
Examples of Internship Experiences
Career Pathways Reference Guide
Career-related videos: resources for students, parents, and teachers interested in exploring new careers.
Additional Career Links |
Ohio Career Information Systems is an interactive website where you can investigate career options and post high school options. |
The Ohio Career Development Program offers background information on the statewide program, Career Development initiatives, and support materials for parents. |
Association for Career & Technical Education |
U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Outlook Handbook shows the most accurate career specific information. |
Ohio Bureau of Employment Services shows the latest statistics on Ohio job trends. |
Connect With Us! |
Mrs. Rita Soeder Career Exploration Specialist |
School Counselors |
Teaching and Learning Support Team |
Auburn Career Center provides vocational training to students who wish to learn a skill or trade, which will make them employable upon graduation.
Auburn Career Center provides vocational training to students who wish to learn a skill or trade, which will make them employable upon graduation. Fifteen two-year programs are available for junior and senior school students. Several co-op training programs exist for students desiring on-the-job-training. Tech Prep programs are available in four areas: Allied Health Technology, Electronics Technology, Manufacturing Technology and Multi-Media Technology.
Students enrolled in courses at Auburn may enroll for their required academic classes at Perry High School. They will have four blocks of time to fill here at Perry each year. The exception to this rule would be available to the Cosmetology students only, who would take their academics at Auburn. Bus transportation is provided to Auburn Career Center for all vocational students.
Upon graduation, two-year vocational students are eligible to receive both a diploma from Perry High School and Vocational Skills Certificate from the State of Ohio.
Call us (440) 357-7542 to learn how our programs can assist you in planning for your future.
- Students applying to Auburn Career Center Programs return their completed application to their associate school counselor.
- Associate school counselors provide required information in boxed area and attach student’s transcripts and latest report card to application. Associate School Counselor will forward second copy of application to Auburn.
- Students applying to College Tech Prep Programs need to show successful completion of Algebra I, junior status and a 2.0 G.PA.
- Students are interviewed in January or February at their associate school.
- Students should apply early to be considered for their program choice.
- Selection date for oversubscribed programs will be in February. Criteria for selection into oversubscribed programs are attendance, grades, associate school counselor recommendation, and ACC interview.
- Students can apply to programs with openings after February. Students applying to filled programs will be placed on a waitlist. Students on the waitlist will be considered for program openings as they occur.