Gifted, Acceleration, Early Entrance
Gifted Identification
Who is Gifted in Ohio by Law and Rule?
The information summarized in this document is based upon Ohio Revised Code 3324.01-07 (law) and Ohio Administrative Code 3301-51-15 (rule).
Children in Ohio are identified in any of the four major categories as summarized in the table below.
Superior Cognitive Ability | Score two standard deviations above the mean minus te standard error of measurement on an intelligence tests, perform at or above the 95th percentile on a basic or composite battery of a nationally normed achievement test, or attain an approved score on an above grade-level standardized, nationally normed test. |
Specific Academic Ability in a Field | Perform at or above the 95th percentile at the national level on a standardized achievement test of specific academic ability in that field. A child may be identified as gifted in more than one specific academic ability field. |
Creative Thinking Ability | Score one standard deviation above the mean minus the standard error of measurement on an intelligence test and attain a sufficient score, as established by the Department, on a test of creative ability or a checklist of creative behavior. |
Visual or Performing Arts Ability | Demonstrate to a trained individual, through a display of work, an audition, or other performance or exhibition, superior ability in a visual or performing arts area and attain a sufficient score, as established by the Department, on a checklist of behaviors related to a specific arts area. |
In addition to identifying students gifted, the rule and/or law in Ohio provides:
- Districts must have an identification plan and local board policy approved by ODE;
- Districts must have regular opportunities for assessment for giftedness based on referrals from teachers, parents or other children;
- Children who are culturally and linguistically diverse, from low socio-economic status, with disabilities and/or who are limited English proficient must be included in the identification process;
- Parents must be notified of assessment results;
- Parents have an opportunity to appeal;
- Districts must accept assessments given outside the district by trained personnel;
- Districts must distribute their gifted identification policy to parents.
- Perry Local Schools Gifted Plan
- Perry Schools Gifted Referral Form
- The Young Gifted Child: A Guide for Families
- Center for Talent Development
- Connecting Gifted Children to One Another
- Davidson Institute Gifted Resources
- Developmental and Cognitive Characteristics of Gifted Children
- Hoagies' Gifted Education Resources
- Hoagies' Highly and Profoundly Gifted Resources
- Institute for Educational Advancement
- International Gifted Consortium
- National Association for Gifted Children
- Profoundly Gifted Parenting
- Retreat for Gifted Children and Their Families
- SENG Gifted - Social and Emotional Needs of Gifted Children
Test Preparation
For more information, please contact Jodi Hicks, Gifted Coordinator for Perry Local Schools at (440) 259-9600 or