Social and Emotional
What is Social and Emotional Learning?
Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) involves teaching and modeling skills students and adults need to be successful at home, at school, in the workplace, in life. The Perry Culture Playbook was developed with staff to demonstrate the beliefs and behaviors of culture and school climate. When students and adults have social and emotional skills, we are self and socially aware. We then have the ability to manage ourselves both independently and while interacting with others; we can listen to perspectives of others, use positive communication, seek to listen and be aware of cultural issues and similarities, set and achieve goals, and take personal responsibility for self-directed learning.

SEL becomes a habit of practice when students, adults, and the entire school community strive to use SEL skills regularly, not just for a 30-minute block once a week. Research and literature on effective social and emotional learning identifies three critical ways in which SEL skills are learned (Sources: CASEL, ASD, Harvard Education Social Emotional Framework).
SEL is achieved in three ways at Perry:
- Climate – Understand the beliefs and social mechanics for creating trust, joy, and a safe and respectful learning environment, supportive, and engaging with active participation.
- Direct instruction – Intentionally teach SEL skills students need to be successful learner and ready for life.
- Infusion – Keep integrating SEL skills throughout the day and in all areas through modeling of the Perry Culture Playbook and building skill.
SEL resources currently in use at Perry Local Schools:
- Performance Pathway to teach the Perry Culture Playbook
- Habitudes Curriculum (Growing Leaders)
- Panorama Playbook
- Inclusive Practices - Social Circles
- Crossroads Mental Health School Based Teaching (e.g., Trauma Response, Drug & Alcohol)
- Ohio SEL Standards