Student Services
Special education is specially designed instruction, at no cost to the parents, to meet the unique needs of a child with a disability, including: instruction conducted in the classroom, in the home, in hospitals and institutions, and in other settings. The purpose of Special Education is to provide students with a Free and Appropriate Public Education in compliance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
Special Education should be an ongoing collaborative process between students, teachers, families, and administrators and our belief is that all students can master difficult learning objectives if they are provided with engaging, differentiated instruction that is geared towards individual student needs.
Local school districts, including community schools, develop and approve policies and procedures or adopt those of the state to ensure requirements are in place to identify, locate and evaluate all children with disabilities, regardless of their situations, who have significant, individual needs and require intensive interventions through special education and related services.
Children who are not identified to receive intensive intervention through special education and related services, but who are performing below grade-level standards, will receive targeted instruction and support interventions outlined in Rule 3301-35-06 of the Administrative Code. These may involve school and/or community-based resources. These resources may include health and social services, short- and long-term counseling, case management, juvenile justice, drug and alcohol treatment, shelter, early childhood programs, faith-based resources, truancy programs, social skills program, school counseling, supplemental services, after-school programs and other summer programs. All interventions are research-based or evidence-based.
This publication from outlines the difference between an Individual Education Plan (IEP) and a 504 Plan.
If you would like to discuss this information further, please contact Jim Chisholm, Director of Student Services, (440) 259-9200 x.9203 or:
Perry Elementary School:
Amy Stavar, Principal (440) 259-9600 x.9699
Perry Middle School:
Carol Cuevas, Guidance Counselor (440) 259-9500 x.9583
Perry High School:
Lisa Gigante, Guidance Counselor, A-K (440) 259-9200 x.9385
Kelly Holderman, Guidance Counselor, L-Z (440) 259-9200 x.9384
Jim Chisholm
Director of Student Services
(440) 259-9200, x.1402
Fax (440) 259-3607
Ann Aucelli
Student Services Coordinator
Phone (440) 259-9200, x9216
Fax (440) 259-3607