Students who arrive after the 7:40 AM tardy bell for reasons not authorized by the school administration shall be counted tardy to school unexcused (TSU). Students who are tardy to any class for reasons not authorized by the school administration shall be counted tardy to class unexcused (TCU). All unexcused tardies to school are recorded and subject to the Student Code of Conduct. Students arriving late because they had a medical appointment must have arranged by parental phone call the day prior to arriving late. Students wishing to arrive late because of a medical appointment will then be given a slip the day prior to arriving tardy which must be signed by the doctor (office) and then presented to the middle school office upon arriving tardy to school. When this is done, students will not be charged with an unexcused tardy. Thus, if arrangements are not made in advance and an excuse slip is not granted in advance to arrive tardy, a student will be charged with a tardy even though they may have been at a medical appointment. To School: Any student who is tardy to school at any time during the school day must report to the office before going to any class.
Teacher and office consequences will be imposed. See our Handbook. It is the student's responsibility to report to school on time.
Consequences may include by are not limited to the following:
· 4 Tardies = 1 detention (lunch or after school)
· 5 – 9 Tardies = 2 detentions (lunch or after school) and phone call to parent
· 10 – 11 Tardies = Wednesday or Saturday School and phone call to parent
· 12+ Tardies = Wednesday School (or Saturday School) and phone call to parents/guardians
NOTE: Additional tardies will result in additional discipline being assigned as needed.