PRESS RELEASE: Over 30 Perry Middle School students recently spent a valuable day together. The 5th – 8th-grade students participated in an ambassador’s training program for a new district-wide initiative being introduced this year at Perry. This effort entitled, a Peaceful Environment for Everyone @ Perry, or PEEP, is designed to promote a more peaceful climate throughout the schools.
The day-long training was held at Perry High School and facilitated by Middle School Counselor, Peggy Saxon, and staff from the Crossroads agency in Lake County. The training addressed topics such as bully prevention, tolerance, and respect for others. Students spent time discussing the qualities of a leader and what a leader looks like, talks like, and acts like. The role of the student ambassadors will be to serve the middle school community in a leadership capacity. The group will set an example of inclusion, and kindness, and will help to support a peaceful climate at Perry Middle School.
The day ended with students brainstorming some positive activities that the group can promote.