For the 2022 – 2023 school year, Perry Schools will follow the Lake County General Health District’s COVID-19 Recommendations for Schools. These recommendations include:
- Upon testing positive, an individual will not report to campus for 5 days from the onset of symptoms or 5 days from the positive test if the individual is asymptomatic. The individual must be fever free for the past 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medication) and have improving symptoms.
- Upon their return to campus, it is recommended but not required, they wear a mask for a 5 day period.
If your child tests positive, we ask that you call your school’s clinic to notify us of your child’s absence. There are a limited number of tests available upon request. To request a test, or if you have general questions or concerns, please contact the District Nurse, Susie McKoon at or 440-259-9600 ext.9671.