5th grade science focuses on the theme of Interconnections within Systems with an emphasis on scientific inquiry and application, 21st century skills, technology, engineering and design. This theme helps students to become scientifically literate to recognize the components of various systems and then investigate dynamic and sustainable relationships within systems. Within this grade level, students will study in Earth and Space Science the topic Cycles and Patterns in the Solar System, in Physical Science the topic Light, Sound and Motion and in Life Science the topic Interactions within Ecosystems.
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
In 5th grade, students will read widely and deeply from a range of high-quality, increasingly challenging fiction and nonfiction from diverse cultures and time periods. Building knowledge about subjects through research projects and responding analytically to literary and informational sources will be key to students' continuing success. Students will write stories or essays that are several paragraphs long. By devoting significant time and effort to producing numerous written pieces over short and extended time frames throughout the year, they also will gain control over many conventions of grammar, usage, and punctuation as well as learn ways to make themselves understood.
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
In Grade 5, instructional time should focus on three critical areas: (1) developing fluency with addition and subtraction of fractions, and developing understanding of the multiplication of fractions and of division of fractions in limited cases (unit fractions divided by whole numbers and whole numbers divided by unit fractions); (2) extending division to 2-digit divisors, integrating decimal fractions into the place value system and developing understanding of operations with decimals to hundredths, and developing fluency with whole number and decimal operations; and (3) developing understanding.
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
The 5/6 split class instructional time should focus on four critical areas:
- Developing fluency in finding greatest common factors and least common multiples of two whole numbers less than or equal to 100;
- Developing fluency with addition and subtraction of fractions, and developing understanding of the multiplication of fractions and of division of fractions;
- Integrating decimals and fractions into the place value system, fluently add, subtract, multiply, and divide multi-digit decimals;
- Developing an understanding of volume.
Term 1
Term 2
- Add and Subtract Fractions
- Multiply and Divide Fractions
- Numerical Expressions, Patterns, and Relationships
Term 3
Term 4
5th grade science focuses on the theme of Interconnections within Systems with an emphasis on scientific inquiry and application, 21st century skills, technology, engineering and design. This theme helps students to become scientifically literate to recognize the components of various systems and then investigate dynamic and sustainable relationships within systems. Within this grade level, students will study in Earth and Space Science the topic Cycles and Patterns in the Solar System, in Physical Science the topic Light, Sound and Motion and in Life Science the topic Interactions within Ecosystems.
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
In grade five, students study the Western Hemisphere (North and South America), its geographic features, early history, cultural development and economic change. Students learn about the early inhabitants of the Americas and the impact of European exploration and colonization. The geographic focus includes the study of contemporary regional characteristics, the movement of people, products and ideas, and cultural diversity. Students develop their understanding of the relationship between markets and available resources.
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
In 5th grade Art, students work towards the following Progress Points for the 3-5 grade level band:
- Identify and apply universal themes and processes to communicate meanings, moods and visual effects in personal and collaborative artworks.
- Demonstrate technical skill, craftsmanship and reasoning abilities in solving visual art problems using appropriate tools, media and technologies.
- Provide and use feedback to improve and refine their artworks.
Term 1
Term 2
In 5th grade Band, students work towards the following Progress Points for the 3-5 grade level band:
- Sing and play instruments, focusing on how musical elements such as tempo, beat, rhythm, pitch, form, harmony and timbre create meaning.
- Listen to and perform a wide variety of music from multiple cultures focugin on the historical and cultural significance of the works.
- Develop Cirteria to evaluate solo and group perfomnaces of music.
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
Middle School chorus students will be exposed to a variety of musical genres and gain the foundation and skills necessary to be successful in vocal music at the high school and beyond. This class will meet every day all year with some concerts and activities occurring outside of the school day.
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
Students will be introduced to the basic principles of music through the use of the ukulele and possibly acoustic guitar. Students will learn to play basic songs as well as how to care for the instrument. Students will study basic rhythms as well as a few chords. This is a hands-on class with emphasis on the each aspect of playing the instrument.
The State board of Education adopted the following National Association of Sport and Physical Education (NASPE) standards in December 2007 and benchmarks and indicators on June 8, 2009. Ohio's Academic Content Standards in K-12 Physical Education are made up of six standards:
- Standard 1: Demonstrated competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.
- Standard 2: Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.
- Standard 3: Participates regularly in physical activities.
- Standard 4: Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.
- Standard 5: Exhibits responsible personal behavior and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity setting.
- Standard 6: Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction.
For each grade level band, K-2, 3-5, 6-8 and 9-12, there are benchmarks and specific indicators. This vertically articulated curriculum is evaluated through the state's Physical Education Evaluation Instrument which can be found by clicking on the link.
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
We live in a digital society. Digital literacy is the knowledge, skills, and behaviors involving the safe and effective use of digital devices such as the ChromeBook for purposes of communication, expression and collaboration. Students are given the oppotunity to develop keyboarding, word processing, and presentation skills. This class will meet as part of the Grade 5 exploratory cycle and will meet every day for 9 weeks.
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
In level 1 emphasis is on learners becoming proficient in the four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing at a very basic level. Students will progress through this level over the course of two years and are introduced to basic vocabulary and grammatical structures that gradually builds a foundation in understanding and communicating in the target language. Students produce the language, communicate with other students, and learn to talk and write about their personal interests and activities. Reading simple texts and listening to native speakers discuss topics familiar to the student help develop comprehension of authentic language as well as insight into cultural similarities and differences. Basic grammar concepts are introduced at this level to support effective communication. Interactive computer opportunities enable direct contact to the target language and culture. A rubric of language proficiency (novice, intermediate, advanced) will be used to evaluate and report student achievement.
Term 1
Term 2
Grading Period 1
Grading Period 2
Grading Period 3
Grading Period 4
In level 1 emphasis is on learners becoming proficient in the four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing at a very basic level. Students will progress through this level over the course of two years and are introduced to basic vocabulary and grammatical structures that gradually builds a foundation in understanding and communicating in the target language. Students produce the language, communicate with other students, and learn to talk and write about their personal interests and activities. Reading simple texts and listening to native speakers discuss topics familiar to the student help develop comprehension of authentic language as well as insight into cultural similarities and differences. Basic grammar concepts are introduced at this level to support effective communication. Interactive computer opportunities enable direct contact to the target language and culture. A rubric of language proficiency (novice, intermediate, advanced) will be used to evaluate and report student achievement.
Term 1
Term 2
Students will be introduced to the basic principles of the acoustic guitar and the basic elements of music. Students will learn to play basic songs on the guitar as well as how to care for the guitar. Students will study basic rhythms as well as a few chords. This is a hands-on class with the emphasis being playing the guitar. This class will meet every-other-day all year.
Units of Study
6th grade, students apply skills they learned in earlier grades to make sense of longer, more challenging books and articles. That includes learning about how authors try to influence readers and find reasons to support their ideas. Focusing on how authors make their points and support their arguments with evidence and reasoning helps 6th grade students sharpen their ability to write and speak with more clarity and coherence. Students also will expand their vocabularies and use new words in their stories, reports, and essays. To meet these literacy goals, students must devote significant attention to precise details in their reading and when writing. Work serves as an organizing theme for the second grade. Students learn about jobs today and long ago. They use biographies, primary sources and artifacts as clues to the past. They deepen their knowledge of diverse cultures and their roles as citizens.
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
In Grade 6, instructional time should focus on four critical areas:
- Connecting ratio and rate to whole number multiplication and division and using concepts of ratio and rate to solve problems;
- Completing understanding of division of fractions and extending the notion of number to the system of rational numbers, which includes negative numbers;
- Writing, interpreting, and using expressions and equations; and
- Developing understanding of statistical thinking.
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
6th grade course in that it contains significant content from 7th grade. While coherence is retained, in that it logically builds from the 5th grade accelerated course (5-6 Grade Math), the additional content when compared to the non-accelerated course demands a faster pace for instruction and learning. Content is organized into units focusing on the following critical areas:
- Developing understanding of and applying proportional relationships;
- Developing understanding of operations with rational numbers and working with expressions and linear equations; and
- Solving problems involving scale drawings and informal geometric constructions, and working with two- and three- dimensional shapes to solve problems involving area, surface area, and volume.
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
6th grade science focuses on the theme of Order and Organization with an emphasis on scientific inquiry and application, 21st century skills, technology, engineering and design. This theme helps students to become scientifically literate to discover patterns, trends, structures and relationships that may be described by simple principles. These principles are related to the properties or interactions within and between systems. Within this grade level, students will study in Earth and Space Science the topic Rocks, Minerals and Soil, in Physical Science the topic Matter and Motion and in Life Science the topic Cellular to Multicellular.
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
In grade six, students study the Eastern Hemisphere (Africa, Asia, Australia and Europe), its geographic features, early history, cultural development and economic change. Students learn about the development of river civilizations in Africa and Asia, including their governments, cultures and economic systems. The geographic focus includes the study of contemporary regional characteristics, the movement of people, products and ideas, and cultural diversity. Students develop their understanding of the role of consumers and the interaction of markets, resources and competition.
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
In 6th grade Art, students work towards the following Progress Points for the 6-8 grade level band:
- Recognize that examining the artistic works of others leads to understanding about cultural traditions, history, politics and their world.
- Select, manipulate and refine arts concepts and processes to produce artworks that visually communicate their experiences, ideas and viewpoints.
- Develop and use criteria for making judgements about artworks and visual imagery and use descriptive language when talking and writing about works of art.
Term 1
Term 2
In 6th grade Band, students work towards the following Progress Points for the 6-8 grade level band:
- Analyze, practice and perform a musical selection independently or collaboratively with technical accuracy and expression.
- Read, write, improvise and describe music using standard musical notation and vocabulary.
- Apply problem-solving and critical thinking skills to musci listening and perfoming by adapting music to fit the context, story, setting and medium.
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
In 6th grade Choir, students work towards the following Progress Points for the 6-8 grade level band:
- Analyze, practice and perform a musical selection independently or collaboratively with technical accuracy and expression.
- Read, write, improvise and describe music using standard musical notation and vocabulary.
- Apply problem-solving and critical thinking skills to music listening and performing by adapting music to fit the context, story, setting and medium.
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
The 6th grade Design Learning class will continue to build 21st century digital literacy skills including working with data on spreadsheets (EXCEL) helping to meet the national 6th to 8th grade technology standards. The problem solving process will be explored and utilized. Students will learn to work more effectively on teams to solve problems using technology. Within projects, students will think critically, use various technologies, solve problems and focus on science concepts to complete activities and journals. Keyboarding skills are enhanced and practiced.
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
In level 1 emphasis is on learners becoming proficient in the four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing at a very basic level. Students will progress through this level over the course of two years and are introduced to basic vocabulary and grammatical structures that gradually builds a foundation in understanding and communicating in the target language. Students produce the language, communicate with other students, and learn to talk and write about their personal interests and activities. Reading simple texts and listening to native speakers discuss topics familiar to the student help develop comprehension of authentic language as well as insight into cultural similarities and differences. Basic grammar concepts are introduced at this level to support effective communication. Interactive computer opportunities enable direct contact to the target language and culture. A rubric of language proficiency (novice, intermediate, advanced) will be used to evaluate and report student achievement.
Term 1
Term 2
The State Board of Education adopted the following National Association of Sport and Physical Education (NASPE) standards in December 2007 and benchmarks and indicators on June 8, 2009. Ohio's Academic Content Standards in K-12 Physical Education are made up of six standards:
- Standard 1: Demonstrated competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.
- Standard 2: Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.
- Standard 3: Participates regularly in physical activities.
- Standard 4: Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.
- Standard 5: Exhibits responsible personal behavior and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity setting.
- Standard 6: Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction.
For each grade level band, K-2, 3-5, 6-8 and 9-12, there are benchmarks and specific indicators. This vertically articulated curriculum is evaluated through the state's Physical Education Evaluation Instrument which can be found by clicking on the link.
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
Grading Period 1
Grading Period 2
Grading Period 3
Grading Period 4
In 7th grade, students will analyze, define, compare, and evaluate ideas when reading, writing, speaking, and listening. They will continue to analyze how themes in fiction and nonfiction develop over the course of a book or article. Readings will include classic and contemporary pieces that represent diverse perspectives. In particular, 7th grade students’ ability to cite specific evidence when offering an interpretation of a text matures. They use relevant evidence when supporting their own points in writing and speaking, making their reasoning clear to readers or listeners or constructively evaluating others’ use of evidence. This ability will help students in every facet of his or her studies.
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
Honors ELA continues the Advanced Placement Track and is designed to provide high performing students with the complexity and rigor best suited for their needs. Students placed in this class will study within the realm of the 7th grade state standards and objectives, but at a deeper and more complex and rigorous level. The students will closely examine the decisions that writers, novelists, poets and playwrights make within a text as it relates to the plot, characters, setting and theme. Reading and writing homework will occur nightly, as well as on the weekends. Students can expect to actively participate in academic discussions and presentations. Honors ELA students are expected to be self guided learners who are willing to maintain a strong work ethic and diligent study habits. Students entering this course from 6th grade will have required summer reading and writing. This is a weighted course.
Honors Language Arts 7 Curriculum
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
In Grade 7, instructional time should focus on four critical areas:
- Developing understanding of and applying proportional relationships;
- Developing understanding of operations with rational numbers and working with expressions and linear equations;
- Solving problems involving scale drawings and informal geometric constructions, and working with two- and three-dimensional shapes to solve problems involving area, surface area, and volume; and
- Drawing inferences about populations based on samples.
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
This course differs from the non-accelerated 7th Grade course in that it contains content from 8th grade. While coherence is retained, in that it logically builds from the 6th Grade, the additional content when compared to the non-accelerated course demands a faster pace for instruction and learning. Content is organized into four critical areas, or units. The Mathematical Practice Standards apply throughout each course and, together with the content standards, prescribe that students experience mathematics as a coherent, useful, and logical subject that makes use of their ability to make sense of problem situations.
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
7th grade science focuses on the theme of Order and Organization. The goal is for students to use scientific inquiry to discover patterns, trends, structures and relationships that may be described by simple principles. These principles are related to the properties or interactions within and between systems. This general science course touches upon topics representing Life Science, Scientific Inquiry, Earth and Space Science, and Physical Science.
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
The seventh grade year is an integrated study of world history, beginning with ancient Greece and continuing through global exploration. All four social studies strands are used to illustrate how historic events are shaped by geographic, social, cultural, economic and political factors. Students develop their understanding of how ideas and events from the past have shaped the world today.
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
The students will explore the Elements and Principles of design while creating graphic artwork based on these design techniques. Students will be integrating technology as a media into every design project. The course enables students to identify, analyze and create various forms of graphic art by interacting with the latest design software (Adobe Photoshop) used by the industry. Within a strong conceptual design framework, students will utilize a variety of media and combine text with 2D and 3D graphics to create real world examples of professional graphic artistry. Students who successfully complete Art in BOTH 7th and 8th grade may earn credit towards graduation in Fine Arts. This class will meet every-other-day all year. Students who take this course for high school transcript credit must meet or exceed the grade 9-12 Fine Arts learning standards.
Term 1
In 7th grade Band, students work towards the following Progress Points for the 6-8 grade level band:
- Analyze, practice and perform a musical selection independently or collaboratively with technical accuracy and expression.
- Read, write, improvise and describe music using standard musical notation and vocabulary.
- Apply problem-solving and critical thinking skills to music listening and performing by adapting music to fit the context, story, setting and medium.
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
In 7th grade Choir, students work towards the following Progress Points for the 6-8 grade level band:
- Analyze, practice and perform a musical selection independently or collaboratively with technical accuracy and expression.
- Read, write, improvise and describe music using standard musical notation and vocabulary.Apply problem-solving and critical thinking skills to musif listening and performing by adapting music to fit the context, stroy, setting and medium.
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
The State Board of Education adopted the following National Association of Sport and Physical Education (NASPE) standards in December 2007 and benchmarks and indicators on June 8, 2009. Ohio's Academic Content Standards in K-12 Physical Education are made up of six standards:
- Standard 1: Demonstrated competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.
- Standard 2: Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.
- Standard 3: Participates regularly in physical activities.
- Standard 4: Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.
- Standard 5: Exhibits responsible personal behavior and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity setting.
- Standard 6: Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction.
For each grade level band, K-2, 3-5, 6-8 and 9-12, there are benchmarks and specific indicators. This vertically articulated curriculum is evaluated through the state's Physical Education Evaluation Instrument which can be found by clicking on the link.
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
7th Grade Design Learning is an introduction to different facets of engineering design and will emphasize the following: evolution and history of design, the steps in the engineering design process, tools and techniques to innovate or invent solutions to problems. Students will be introduced to a variety of skill building opportunities that will enhance their design and communication skills and prepare them for 8th grade STEM.
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
In level 1 emphasis is on learners becoming proficient in the four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing at a very basic level. Students will progress through this level over the course of two years and are introduced to basic vocabulary and grammatical structures that gradually builds a foundation in understanding and communicating in the target language. Students produce the language, communicate with other students, and learn to talk and write about their personal interests and activities. Reading simple texts and listening to native speakers discuss topics familiar to the student help develop comprehension of authentic language as well as insight into cultural similarities and differences. Basic grammar concepts are introduced at this level to support effective communication. Interactive computer opportunities enable direct contact to the target language and culture. A rubric of language proficiency (novice, intermediate, advanced) will be used to evaluate and report student achievement.
Spanish 7 - Level 1A Curriculum
Term 1
Term 2
Grading Period 1
Grading Period 2
Grading Period 3
Grading Period 4
8th Grade English Language Arts - English I
To prepare for bigger challenges in high school, 8th grade students must grapple with major works of fiction and nonfiction that extend across cultures and centuries. As they work diligently to understand precisely what an author or speaker is saying, students also must learn to question an author’s or speaker’s assumptions and assess the accuracy of his or her claims. They also must be able to report findings from their own research and analysis of sources in a clear manner. Work serves as an organizing theme for the second grade. Students learn about jobs today and long ago. They use biographies, primary sources and artifacts as clues to the past. They deepen their knowledge of diverse cultures and their roles as citizens.
Click here to view our Year-Long Objectives.
Grading Period 1
Grading Period 2
Grading Period 3
Grading Period 4
Honors ELA continues the Advanced Placement Track and is designed to provide high performing students with the complexity and rigor best suited for their needs. Students placed in this class will study within the realm of the 7th grade state standards and objectives, but at a deeper and more complex and rigorous level. The students will closely examine the decisions that writers, novelists, poets and playwrights make within a text as it relates to the plot, characters, setting and theme. Reading and writing homework will occur nightly, as well as on the weekends. Students can expect to actively participate in academic discussions and presentations. Honors ELA students are expected to be self guided learners who are willing to maintain a strong work ethic and diligent study habits. Students entering this course from 6th grade will have required summer reading and writing. This is a weighted course.
Honors Language Arts 7 Curriculum
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
To prepare for bigger challenges in high school, 8th grade students must grapple with major works of fiction and nonfiction that extend across cultures and centuries. As they work diligently to understand precisely what an author or speaker is saying, students also must learn to question an author’s or speaker’s assumptions and assess the accuracy of his or her claims. They also must be able to report findings from their own research and analysis of sources in a clear manner. Work serves as an organizing theme for the second grade. Students learn about jobs today and long ago. They use biographies, primary sources and artifacts as clues to the past. They deepen their knowledge of diverse cultures and their roles as citizens.
Term 1
- Reading Life: Literacy Autobiographies
- Deep Study of Character and Literary Essay
- Investigating Monuments: Position Papers
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
Honors ELA 8 is for students on the Advanced Placement Track and is designed to provide high performing students with the complexity and rigor best suited to their needs. Students placed in this class will work with eighth grade state standards and objectives but at a deeper, more complex, and more rigorous level. The students will closely examine the decisions that writers, novelists, poets and playwrights make within a text as they relate to plot, characters, setting and theme. Reading and writing homework will occur nightly, as well as on the weekends. Students will also study narrative, argument, and research writing techniques. Students can expect to actively participate in academic discussions and make presentations. Honors ELA students are expected to be self-guided learners who are willing to maintain a strong work ethic and diligent study habits. Students entering this course from 7th grade will have required summer reading and writing. This course is weighted for the purposes of middle school GPA only; it is not for high school credit.
Honors Language Arts 8 Curriculum
Term 1
- The Multi-Genre Literacy Autobiography
- Welcome to the World of Allusion
- How Writers Create Illusions
- Investigating Monuments
Term 2
Term 3
In Grade 8, instructional time should focus on three critical areas:
- Formulating and reasoning about expressions and equations, including modeling an association in bivariate data with a linear equation, and solving linear equations and systems of linear equations;
- Grasping the concept of a function and using functions to describe quantitative relationships;
- Analyzing two- and three-dimensional space and figures using distance, angle, similarity, and congruence, and understanding and applying the Pythagorean Theorem.
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
The fundamental purpose of this course is to formalize and extend the mathematics that students learned in the middle grades. The critical areas deepen and extend understanding of linear and exponential relationships by contrasting them with each other and by applying linear models to data that exhibit a linear trend, and students engage in methods for analyzing, solving, and using quadratic functions. Students will experience mathematics as a coherent, useful, and logical subject that makes use of their ability to make sense of problem situations. Students analyze and explain the process of solving an equation. Students explore many examples of functions, including sequences. Students use regression techniques to describe approximate linear relationships between quantities. Students extend the laws of exponents to rational exponents. Students compare the key characteristics of quadratic functions to those of linear and exponential functions. This is a high school level course for credit. Students should be prepared to work at a faster pace and expect high school level work.
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
The fundamental purpose of this course is to formalize and extend the mathematics that students learned in the middle grades. Because it is built on the middle grades standards, this is a more ambitious version of Algebra than has generally been offered. The critical areas, called units, deepen and extend understanding of linear and exponential relationships by contrasting them with each other and by applying linear models to data that exhibit a linear trend, and students engage in methods for analyzing, solving, and using quadratic functions. The Mathematical Practice Standards apply throughout each course and, together with the content standards, prescribe that students experience mathematics as a coherent, useful, and logical subject that makes use of their ability to make sense of problem situations. This is a high school level course for credit. Students should be prepared to work at a faster pace and expect high school level work. This course will be weighted for the purposes of middle school GPA only.
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
Honors Algebra 1:
The fundamental purpose of this course is to formalize and extend the mathematics that students learned in the middle grades. Because it is built on the middle grades standards, this is a more ambitious version of Algebra than has generally been offered. The critical areas, called units, deepen and extend understanding of linear and exponential relationships by contrasting them with each other and by applying linear models to data that exhibit a linear trend, and students engage in methods for analyzing, solving, and using quadratic functions. The Mathematical Practice Standards apply throughout each course and, together with the content standards, prescribe that students experience mathematics as a coherent, useful, and logical subject that makes use of their ability to make sense of problem situations.
Honors Geometry:
An understanding of the attributes and relationships of geometric objects can be applied in diverse contexts—interpreting a schematic drawing, estimating the amount of wood needed to frame a sloping roof, rendering computer graphics, or designing a sewing pattern for the most efficient use of material. Although there are many types of geometry, this high school math course is devoted primarily to plane Euclidean geometry, studied both synthetically (without coordinates) and analytically (with coordinates). Euclidean geometry is characterized most importantly by the Parallel Postulate, that through a point not on a given line there is exactly one parallel line. (Spherical geometry, in contrast, has no parallel lines.) The concepts of congruence, similarity, and symmetry can be understood from the perspective of geometric transformation. Fundamental are the rigid motions: translations, rotations, reflections, and combinations of these, all of which are here assumed to preserve distance and angles (and therefore shapes generally). Dynamic geometry environments provide students with experimental and modeling tools that allow them to investigate geometric phenomena in much the same way as computer algebra systems allow them to experiment with algebraic phenomena visually, model, and proof.
Term 1
- Introduction to Function Families
- Linear Functions
- Solve Linear Equations and Inequalities
- System of Equations and Inequalities
Term 2
- Exponents and Exponential Functions
- Operations on Polynomials
- Analyze Quadratic Functions
- Data Analysis and Probability
Term 3
- Tools of Geometry
- Reasoning and Proof
- Relationships Within Triangles
- Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
- Polygons and Quadrilaterals
Term 4
8th grade science focuses on the theme of Order and Organization with an emphasis on scientific inquiry and application, 21st century skills, technology, engineering and design. This theme helps students to become scientifically literate to discover patterns, trends, structures and relationships that may be described by simple principles. These principles are related to the properties or interactions within and between systems. Within this grade level, students will study in Earth and Space Science the topic Physical Earth, in Physical Science the topic Forces and Motion and in Life Science the topic Species and Reproduction.
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
8th grade Honors science focuses on the theme of Order and Organization with an emphasis on scientific inquiry and application, 21st century skills, technology, engineering and design. This theme helps students to become scientifically literate to discover patterns, trends, structures and relationships that may be described by simple principles. These principles are related to the properties or interactions within and between systems. Within this grade level, students will study in Earth and Space Science the topic Physical Earth, in Physical Science the topic Forces and Motion and in Life Science the topic Species and Reproduction.
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
The historical focus continues in the eighth grade wiht the study of Europena exploration and the early year of the United States. This study incorporated all four social studies strands into a chonologic view of the development of the United States. Students examine how historic events are shaped by geographic, social, cultural, economic and political factors.
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
The historical focus continues in the eighth grade with the study of European exploration and the early years of the United States. This study incorporates all four social studies strands into a chronologic view of the development of the United States. Students examine how historic events are shaped by geographic, social, cultural, economic and political factors.
Honors Social Studies 8 Curriculum
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
In 8th grade Art, students work towards the following Progress Points for the 6-8 grade level band:
- Recognize that examining the artistic works of others leads to understanding about cultural traditions, history, politics and their world.
- Select, manipulate and refine arts concepts and processes to produce artworks that visually communicate their experiences, ideas and viewpoints.
- Develop and use criteria for making judgments about artworks and visual imagery and use descriptive language when talking and writing about works of art.
Term 1
Term 2
In 8th grade Band, students work towards the following Progress Points for the 6-8 grade level band:
- Analyze, practice and perform a musical selection independently or collaboratively with technical accuracy and expression.
- Read, write, improvise and describe music using standard muscial notation and vocabulary.
- Apply problem-solving and critical thinking skills to music listening and performing by adapting music to fit the context, story, setting and medium.
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
In 8th grade Choir, students work towards the following Progress Points for the 6-8 grade level band:
- Analyze, practice and perform a musical selection independently or collaboratively with technical accuracy and expression.
- Read, write, improvise and describe music using standard musical notation and vocabulary.
- Apply problem-solving and critical thinking skills to music listening and performing by adapting music to fit the context, story, setting and medium.
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
The State Board of Education adopted the following National Association of Sport and Physical Education (NASPE) standards in December 2007 and benchmarks and indicators on June 8, 2009. Ohio's Academic Content Standards in K-12 Physical Education are made up of six standards:
- Standard 1: Demonstrated competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.
- Standard 2: Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.
- Standard 3: Participates regularly in physical activities.
- Standard 4: Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.
- Standard 5: Exhibits responsible personal behavior and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity setting.
- Standard 6: Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction.
For each grade level band, K-2, 3-5, 6-8 and 9-12, there are benchmarks and specific indicators. This vertically articulated curriculum is evaluated through the state's Physical Education Evaluation Instrument which can be found by clicking on the link.
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
8th Grade Design Learning deepens and puts into practice the engineering design process using the LEGO Mindstorm EV3 robots. Students are challenged to design, build and program a robot to move, act smarter than the average machine, and perform complex tasks within a reliable system/ Students work collaboratively and build presentation skills throughout the course, preparing them for the STEM Academy at Perry High School.
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
In level 1 emphasis is on learners becoming proficient in the four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing at a very basic level. Students will progress through this level over the course of two years and are introduced to basic vocabulary and grammatical structures that gradually builds a foundation in understanding and communicating in the target language. Students produce the language, communicate with other students, and learn to talk and write about their personal interests and activities. Reading simple texts and listening to native speakers discuss topics familiar to the student help develop comprehension of authentic language as well as insight into cultural similarities and differences. Basic grammar concepts are introduced at this level to support effective communication. Interactive computer opportunities enable direct contact to the target language and culture. A rubric of language proficiency (novice, intermediate, advanced) will be used to evaluate and report student achievement.